Get Daily Text Blasts Right To Your Phone

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Agent 511 at the Sunset Series!!

Last night, we went down to the Sunset Series at the Executive Inn to spread the word about Agent511. About thirty of our "agents" were in and around our tent educating people on how to use our service. The people we talked to were all surprised and delighted at the deals they could receive just by texting OWB to 511511.

During the band's break, a few of us were even asked to come on stage as Heath Eric of the Executive Inn instructed the crowd on how to use our service. We threw out t-shirts and other items to a very excited crowd. It was a very enjoyable and successful evening out in the community, and we would like to thank all the people that came out and helped us promote our great service!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

NEW SERVICE---Daily Deals Direct to your phone!

  • We are going to be offering daily TextBlasts on all of our services starting June 1!

    You no longer have to worry about forgetting to text 511511 each day to get great daily deals and information.
    --Don't forget that this is all FREE for you with any standard text plan!
  • Simply type ADD before any phrase that you would normally send to 511511 to be added to our database to receive daily texts for that category.
  • Want to stop receiving TEXT BLASTS? Simply STOP plus the code.


  • OWB PIZZA, OWB HOTELS, OWB INSURANCE, and much much more
  • Any Suggestions for categories??? -- Please e-mail us at

  • Want to advertise or create a mobile marketing campaign with us? Please e-mail us at!


We were all present today at The Creme ribbon cutting. We are proud to work with this great new business and encourage you to look for their deals on our OWB DINING DEALS.
You can also send ADD OWB DINING DEALS to 511511 to receive daily blasts on lunch and dinner deals from local restaurants like The Creme starting in June.


We were at the May meeting of the Chamber of Young Professionals yesterday afternoon at RocaBar. Ankur spoke for a moment about how Agent511 works and about our Text Blast service. Users of our service simply need to send a text to 511511 that says ADD OWB GAS, or ADD OWB DINING DEALS etc. and they will receive daily updates on the respected category, starting in June. The CYP was a great group of people to talk to and everyone had a good time networking and meeting new professionals.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Burns Elementary

The crew at Agent511 visited Burns Elementary School on May 16th and spoke to the 5th grade Junior Achievement class. Ankur Gopal discussed entreprenuership and business as well as spoke about how the company,Agent511, works. To our surprise, almost all of the 5th graders had cellular phones and knew how to text message; when asked, the kids all said they had taught their parents how to "text" as well. This was proof to us of how text messaging is growing.

Friday, May 23, 2008


At the GOTIT meeting on Wednesday, we were incouraged by Kevin Bruner of Infoserv, Inc. to send a care package to our soldiers in Iraq. We picked up several suggested items around town and packaged them up today to send off. We are very thankful for all that our military does for us and thought this would be a good way to show a bit of our appreciation.

Items included DVD's, popcorn, soap, razors, shaving cream, and several magazines and literature about Owensboro.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


OWENSBORO, Colby's Restaurant
--Ankur Gopal presented to GOTIT (Greater Owensboro Territory Information Technologists) today at their last meeting until September. Ankur spoke in-depth about the systems and databases that make Agent511 work. The crowd of technical savvy information technologists had several questions about the capabilities of Agent511 and what services can be offered such as TextBlasts, Emergency notifications through text, and so forth.

Ankur was excited to talk about the technical aspects of how he and his parnter worked to build the software for Agent511. We are always happy to demostrate how Agent511 can work for a business or client.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Agent511 now offers the ability to check local gas prices. Now you don’t have to drive around to find out who has the best deal on gas. Simply text “owb gas” to 511511 to receive a list of gas prices around Owensboro. With gas being at an all time high, we can all take advantage of this feature to save some money at the pump.
DIsclaimer: We get most of our gas information from Motortrend...Gas prices are volatile and are subject to change.
The gas prices shown on are provided by OPIS, a comprehensive source of U.S. retail fuel purchases. The fuel prices shown are actual pump prices paid by consumers as OPIS data is based on credit card transactions collected from fleet vehicles. is updated daily with new data from roughly 100,000 gas stations and convenience stores across the U.S. Due to the volatile nature of fuel prices, makes no guarantee in regard to the accuracy of prices shown.

Friday, May 16, 2008


We attended the campain speech at Kentucky Wesleyan College by President Clinton for his wife Hillary after we spoke to students at Burns Elementary. Some cell phone pictures taken from Ankur's phone are above and below.


We attended the May Make-a-Business-Connection today and it was a great experience for all of us at Agent511. We were able to promote our company to the attendees as well as hear from representatives of other local businesses.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Feature: Owensboro Weather

Today we added a new feature to our service. Users can now view up-to-date weather information by texting OWB WEATHER to 511511. Now anyone with a cell phone can instantly access the local Owensboro forecast anywhere, anytime.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

International BBQ Festival

OWENSBORO- This past weekend Agent511 had a big presence at the annual International Barbeque Festival in downtown Owensboro. We released our Version 2.0 that allows users to see the latest retail deals, dining deals, headlines, and entertainment. You can now text phrases such as “owb dining deals” to 511511 to search for Owensboro’s best deals and events. This was a monumental breakthrough in our young company’s development. The event was a great success because as a result of our presence, Agent511 received over 17,000 hits, which tripled our previous daily usage.

Those who attended this year’s BBQ fest learned how to use the service and add Owensboro511 as a contact in their phone. T-shirts were available for $5 with the phrases “Practice Safe Text” and “Instant textual gratification.”

Agent 511 also hosted a hospitality suite for over 100 of their supporters. Guests were encouraged to meet the developers of Agent511 and learn more about the services offered.

GMAC Real Estate

OWENSBORO—Agent511 announced its newest capabilities today at GMAC Realty. Ankur Gopal demonstrated how Agent511 can connect the realtor and potential home buyer simply by text message. We had great reception of this new service among all realtors at GMAC.

Buyers can utilize text messaging in their search for a new home:

When a prospective home buyer arrives at a home, they will see a sign that says to text a four-digit number to 511511. Agent511 will reply with a message with all the specifications of the home. Buyers will then have the listing of the home on their cell phone to take with them wherever they go. Listings can also include pictures of the home for the potential buyer to show all of their friends and family. The best part is that home buyers will not even have to step out of their car to receive all the information

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Agent511 made its first major debut to the public at today's Rooster Booster. Ankur spoke to today's early-risers about how our text service works. He also gave step-by-step instructions on how to use the service. We had over 300 hits in just a few moments time, which multipled into a few thousand by lunch time today after the word spread about the great deals we offer.